Sep 2, 2016 | News Release, Reducing Oil and Gas Exploitation in the San Juan Basin
New Mexicans Demand Obama Administration Protect Public Lands and Communities, Keep Oil and Gas In the Ground Location: Santa Fe, NM A coalition today called on the Obama Administration to rein in unchecked fracking near Chaco Canyon and abandon its plans to auction...
Jul 18, 2016 | Climate & Energy
Protecting the Colorado River Valley From Fossil Fuel Development Through the Colorado River Valley Resource Management Plan, the Bureau of Land Management opened up 147,000 acres to oil and gas leasing without any analysis of climate change or impacts to human health...
May 31, 2016 | Protecting Healthy Flows in the Spokane River
Citizens ask Gov. to reopen agency decision that ignored jobs, tourism, boaters, sceneryLocation:SpokaneAdvocates for the Spokane River are asking Gov. Jay Inslee to grant their petition for protecting all instream values of the Spokane River, including recreational...
May 2, 2016 | Climate & Energy
Protecting the Santa Fe National Forest from Fracking Despite more than a hundred protests from citizens and organizations, The Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service auctioned 20,000 acres of the Santa Fe National Forest for fracking. The lease sales...
Mar 22, 2016 | News Release, Reducing Oil and Gas Exploitation in the San Juan Basin
Rampant Drilling in the San Juan Basin Continues to Threaten Public Health, the Climate, Clean Air and Water Location:Santa FeUPDATE: BLM has admitted an internal mix-up on this issue. The leases are not yet deferred, and we can expect a news release from the agency...
Feb 12, 2016 | Climate & Energy
VICTORY! Keeping 48 Billion Tons of Powder River Basin Coal in the Ground WELC is working with our partners toward the goal of keeping Powder River Basin coal in the ground. As we hurdle toward the point of no return on climate, the federal Bureau of Land Management...