Protecting States’ and Tribes’ Voices on Clean Water Nationwide A Trump rule gutted provisions of the Clean Water Act (Section 401), which for nearly 50 years provided for states’ and authorized Tribes’ self-determination in permitting for a wide array of...
Protecting Oregon’s beavers–and salmon–from Wildlife Services It may sound strange, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services regularly kills Oregon’s official state animal–beavers—with traps, snares, and firearms. In Oregon, beavers on...
Protecting Native Steelhead in the North and South Santiam Rivers In 1999, the National Marine Fisheries Service listed native winter steelhead trout in the upper Willamette River basin in Oregon as threatened with extinction. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pays for...
Saving Puget Sound The delicate Sound The Washington Department of Ecology has conducted decades of studies on the serious effects of nutrient and toxic pollution on Puget Sound, revealing a broad variety of water quality problems affecting the Sound, its marine life,...