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WELC statement on Charlottesville violence, hate in America

Taos, NM – Today, we acknowledge our responsibility to stand in solidarity with all people and communities of good conscience who oppose hatred and discrimination. Heather Heyer’s murder at the hands of a white nationalist in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend was...

Court upholds agreement protecting imperiled lynx from trapping

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the Montana Trappers Association’s appeal of a settlement agreement between Friends of the Wild Swan, Alliance for the Wild Rockies, WildEarth Guardians, and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks that protects lynx from being...

Win for wildlife and quiet use on Santa Fe National Forest

Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds U.S. Forest Service decision to protect 400,000 acres from ATVs Santa Fe, NM—On Monday, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the second lawsuit by an off-road vehicle advocacy organization challenging the U.S. Forest...

Fight begins to maintain protections for Yellowstone grizzly bears

Conservationists Signal Impending Legal Challenge Over Removal of Federal Safeguards Today, WildEarth Guardians notified the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service it will sue the agency over its flawed decision to strip grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem of...

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Brian Sweeney (email)
Communications Director

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