Jul 1, 2019 | Climate & Energy
Protecting NEPA – The Environmental Magna Carta The Forest Service NEPA Rollback: The NEPA rollback proposed by the U.S. Forest Service to overhaul its environmental analysis procedures under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which will dramatically...
May 21, 2019 | Climate & Energy
Protecting Public Access to Montana’s Crazy Mountains The Crazy Mountains in Montana are public lands, accessed via public National Forest System trails dating to 1925. The U.S. Forest Service has maintained and managed these trails, which are depicted on all...
May 21, 2019 | Protecting Grizzly Bears
Controlling Bear Baiting in Grizzly Habitat Hundreds of pounds of human foods, such as doughnuts and bread, do not belong in the wild. But some hunters use these foods to attract and shoot black bears in a practice known as bear baiting. Not only does the practice...