News & Updates

Western wolf coalition challenges nationwide wolf delisting

Today, a coalition of Western wolf advocates challenged the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to prematurely strip wolves of federal protections in the contiguous 48 states, in violation of the Endangered Species Act. The most recent data from the U.S. Fish...

WELC statement on Jan. 6 2021 D.C. sedition/insurrection

In light of the events in our nation’s capital today, the Western Environmental Law Center issues the following statement: We are united as an organization in our dedication to the rule of law. It is for this reason we condemn today’s events in Washington, D.C., and...

Coalition lawsuit: Science says wolverines need protection

Today, a coalition of wildlife advocates challenged the Trump Fish and Wildlife Service’s (the Service’s) decision to deny protections to imperiled wolverines under the Endangered Species Act. This is the second time the Service has prioritized politics over science...

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Brian Sweeney (email)
Communications Director

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