The Western Environmental Law Center offers heartfelt congratulations to board member Daniel Cordalis, who has been chosen to be Deputy Solicitor of Water at the U.S. Department of the Interior. He will step down from the WELC board of directors. We are sorry to lose him, but gratified that the Department of the Interior and the American people will have the benefit of his background and experience in protecting the priceless water resources, communities, and public lands of the West.

“Daniel was my student in law school. He brought his perspective as a member if the Navajo Nation to the issues considered in the study of water law, providing a valuable viewpoint. It has been a pleasure to work with him on the WELC board. I am proud of his achievement and the recognition by the Department of the Interior of the contribution he will make to the resolution of challenging environmental questions,” said Board President Karin Sheldon. “We wish him all the success in his new position.”


Erik Schlenker-Goodrich, WELC Executive Director, 575-751-0351, gro.w1729707320alnre1729707320tsew@1729707320gskir1729707320e1729707320

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