Forest Collaborative: Wallowa-Whitman National Forest

On the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest in northeast Oregon, the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Collaborative has begun to address complex forest restoration needs, while balancing environmental protection of this special area of Oregon. WELC is working with our partners at Oregon Wild and Hells Canyon Preservation Council to ensure that science informs restoration work on the lands and waters of the Wallowas.

Currently, the Forest Service is undertaking a sizable project in the Lower Joe watershed in an effort to increase forest resiliency, address decades of fire suppression and past land management activities, restore degraded wetlands and springs, and increase the occurrence of large, old growth ponderosa pine, douglas fir, and larch trees that are resistant to wildfire.

Report Released on Helping Collaborative Groups

In 2015, WELC and Northern Arizona University’s Ecological Restoration Institute released a report that provides collaborative organizations or groups with information about the Forest Service’s administrative review process, judicial review process, and opportunities for engagement at both levels. It is a resource for collaborative groups to educate themselves on the laws and procedures surrounding administrative and judicial reviews of Forest Service collaborative forest restoration projects.

WELC is also part of the Blue Mountains Forest Partners collaborative group. Click here to learn more.

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