All Wildlife Cases Grizzly Bears Protecting Grizzly Bears Wolves VICTORY! Restoring Gray Wolf Protections Nationwide Restoring Gray Wolves in Oregon Restoring Gray Wolves in Washington VICTORY! Stopping Wildlife Services from Killing Wolves in Washington Protecting Mexican Wolves Banishing M-44 Cyanide Bombs from Public Lands Canada Lynx Colorado Forest Planning Curbing the Federal Fur Export Program VICTORY! Canada Lynx Critical Habitat Designation Protecting Lynx Habitat in the Rio Grande National Forest Wolverine Protecting Lynx and Wolverine Habitat in Central Colorado VICTORY! ESA Protection for Wolverine Wild Salmon and Trout Smith River ORV Plan Challenge Protecting Puget Sound Chinook Salmon, Bull Trout, and Steelhead Saving Puget Sound VICTORY! Protecting Kalmiopsis Wild Rivers from Mining VICTORY! Oregon Suction Dredge Moratorium Protecting Wild Steelhead in the North and South Santiam Rivers Protecting Klamath River Salmon From Grazing Protecting Oregon’s Beavers–and Salmon–From Wildlife Services Restoring the Similkameen River by Removing Enloe Dam Northern Spotted Owls Preventing Northern Spotted Owl Extinction Amphibians Protecting Amphibians in the Sierra Nevada’s Meadows Sonoran Desert Tortoises Protecting the Sonoran Desert Tortoise