WELC is opposed to HB12, the Advanced Energy Technology Act, introduced in New Mexico’s 2023 legislative session. We fully support the creation of an Economic Transition and Justice Division to provide essential, long-needed support for New Mexico workers and frontline communities. We also support true advanced energy solutions including clean wind and solar energy, as well as other innovative energy storage and efficiency technologies. But HB12’s “devil in the details” would entrench New Mexico in its dependency on fossil fuels at the precise moment New Mexico needs to transition and diversify its revenue and economic base away from fossil fuels. We are deeply troubled that HB12 effectively holds the Economic Transition and Justice Division hostage to HB12’s fossil fuel provisions and other false solutions. This new division should be passed via HB188 on its own excellent merit. Holding it hostage to HB12’s “devil in the details” is an injustice that New Mexicans should rightly reject.
Regardless of what happens with HB12, there is a $50 million appropriation in HB2, now before the Senate Finance Committee, that effectively serves as a slush fund for false solutions, including fossil gas hydrogen. This public money should be repurposed to directly support real climate action technologies, workers, and frontline communities.
Erik Schlenker-Goodrich, WELC Executive Director, 575-751-0351, gro.w1741606477alnre1741606477tsew@1741606477gskir1741606477e1741606477