News Releases
Groups Protest Oregon Timber Plan Riddled With Loopholes (Press Release 5/16/16)
Latest BLM Plan Increases Clearcutting and Dismantles Streamside Forest Protections for Clean Water, Salmon, and CommunitiesLocation:Washington, DCToday, Earthjustice and the Western Environmental Law Center, on behalf of 22 conservation and fishing groups, filed a...
Obama Administration Finalizes Safeguards for Methane Pollution (Press Release 5/12/16)
Standards are the First-Ever National Protections Against Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas IndustryLocation:AlbuquerqueToday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized standards for methane pollution, a component of natural gas, from new and modified...
Citizen Groups Challenge Fracking in Santa Fe National Forest (Press Release 5/4/16)
Legal Push Part of Broader Effort to Safeguard Greater Chaco from Oil and Gas IndustryLocation:Santa Fe, NMIn a bid to protect New Mexico's water, air, and climate, a coalition of environmental groups filed suit yesterday challenging the Obama administration's plan to...
Suit Seeks Public Review of Animal Pelt Exports (News Release 5/4/16)
Endangered Species Treaty Misused to Facilitate Mass Fur ExportLocation:MissoulaToday, conservation groups filed suit to require open, public review of the impacts of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service’s) export program that facilitates international trade...
BLM puts brakes on Whitewater drilling project (Press Release 5/3/16)
Agency refuses to green-light project in absence of hydraulic fracturing analysisLocation:Grand Junction, Colo.In a victory for residents of Whitewater and everyone concerned with air and water quality in western Colorado, the state office of the Bureau of Land...
Youths Secure Second Win In Washington State Climate Lawsuit (Press Release 4/29/16)
Judge Chastises State, Rules From Bench Ordering State to Reduce Carbon EmissionsLocation:SeattleToday, in a surprise ruling from the bench (transcript here) in the critical climate case brought by youths against the state of Washington's Department of Ecology...
Court Rules Against Unrestricted Motorized Travel in Santa Fe National Forest (Press Release 4/28/16)
Ruling Upholds Forest Service Plan to Protect Irreplaceable Wildlife Habitat and Minimize User Conflicts Location:Santa Fe, NMThe Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday dismissed an appeal of the U.S. Forest Service's 2012 Santa Fe National Forest travel...
Seattle Youths Head Back to King County Courthouse for Hearing on Landmark Climate Change Lawsuit (Media Advisory 4/26/16)
Location:SeattleWHAT: Judge Hollis Hill will hear another round of oral arguments in the important case brought by seven young Washingtonians to address the Washington Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) persistent refusal to implement science-based carbon pollution...
As Coal Collapses, Groups Appeal 25-year Extension of Four Corners Power Plant and Navajo Mine (News Release 4/20/16)
Suit Seeks Renewable Energy Transition AlternativesLocation:PhoenixAmid crumbling coal economics and surging renewable energy growth, Navajo, regional and national conservation groups filed suit today in Arizona’s federal district court challenging the U.S....
Court to Hear Arguments on the Legality of Water Rights to Operate Enloe Dam (News Advisory 4/19/16)
Location:SeattleWhen: Wednesday, April 20 at 9:30amWhere: Seattle – Washington State Court of Appeals, District 1; One Union Square, 600 University St.What: Oral argument in a challenge to the Washington State Department of Ecology for issuing water rights that would...
Media Inquiries:
Brian Sweeney
Communications Director