News Releases
Wildlife Agency to Kill Wolves in Northeast Washington (News Release 8/3/16)
Members of Profanity Peak Pack To Be Targeted in Ferry CountyLocation:Olympia, WAWashington Department of Fish and Wildlife officials announced late today they will kill members of the Profanity Peak pack in Ferry County. The kill order was issued following...
[UPDATED] Only two highly polluting states challenge EPA methane rule (News Release 8/2/16)
Broad support for common-sense emissions reductions persists[UPDATE: After releasing this statement, 14 states filed a lawsuit against the EPA and Gina McCarthy over the methane new source rule, calling it "in excess of the agency's statutory authority and otherwise...
To Protect Climate, Public Health, Americans Call for End to Federal Coal Program (News Release 7/28/16)
Ending Public Coal Leasing, Mining Would Keep 212 Million Tons of Carbon in Ground, Save $7 TrillionLocation:Washington, DCA coalition of groups today called on President Obama to permanently end the federal coal program, highlighting the fact that ending leasing and...
WA Youths Provide Inslee Administration with Climate Science to Make Proposed Clean Air Rule Comply With Law (News Release 7/25/16)
Location:SeattleOn behalf of youth climate activists who secured an unprecedented court order directing the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) to issue a rule regulating greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the year, attorneys Andrea Rodgers (WELC) and...
Groups Challenge BLM Plan to Double Drilling in Colorado River Valley (Press Release 7/18/16)
Plan Allows Concentrated Drilling in Communities, But Fails to Consider Human Health and ClimateLocation:DenverToday a coalition of environmental watchdog groups challenged a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plan to expand oil and gas drilling on Colorado’s Western...
About Gov. Inslee’s appeal of youth climate victory (Open Letter 6/23/16)
We are the attorneys who represent the eight courageous youths who presented Gov. Inslee with an unprecedented climate protection opportunity to issue rules to protect their future from carbon pollution. We write not just as their advocates, but as mothers of young...
WA Gov doubles down on betraying youth (Press Release 6/16/16)
Location:SeattleYesterday, in an act betraying the youth of Washington, “green” Gov. Jay Inslee’s administration appealed a Washington Superior Court decision ordering his administration to issue a rule limiting greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the year. Today,...
Ecology’s draft CAFO water quality permit sacrifices public health, drinking water, shellfish beds (Press Release 6/16/16)
Location:SeattleYesterday, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) issued a draft concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) general discharge permit, replacing one that expired in 2011. Faced with the opportunity to protect Washingtonians from...
Inslee Administration Defies Court Order, Betrays Children (Press Release 6/1/16)
Location:SeattleToday, the Inslee administration released its revised Clean Air Rule that defies an unprecedented May 16, 2016 court order issued by King County Superior Court Judge Hollis R. Hill, and fails the children of Washington. Judge Hill ordered the state to...
Gov. Inslee has 45 days to decide whether to protect Spokane River flows (Press Release 5/31/16)
Citizens ask Gov. to reopen agency decision that ignored jobs, tourism, boaters, sceneryLocation:SpokaneAdvocates for the Spokane River are asking Gov. Jay Inslee to grant their petition for protecting all instream values of the Spokane River, including recreational...
Media Inquiries:
Brian Sweeney
Communications Director