News Releases
Statement: Biden administration will resume oil and gas leasing in response to court order it is appealing, signals significant programmatic review
Today, the Biden administration announced it will resume oil and gas leasing on federal public lands and waters to comply with a preliminary injunction in the legal challenge brought against the climate-centered pause by the state of Louisiana. However, the federal...
Statement: Four Corners-area Tribal, education, conservation groups support PNM-Avangrid merger
Local community groups have engaged in the proceedings at the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission to elevate the often-marginalized voices of impacted communities and to ensure dedicated just transition funding, commitments for ongoing engagement from the Public...
Judge rules in favor of Montana youth plaintiffs, affirms case can proceed to trial
Sixteen youth plaintiffs who are suing the state of Montana for violating their constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment secured a critical victory Wednesday after Judge Kathy Seeley denied the state’s attempt to prevent their case, Held v. State of...
Oregon approves petition to increase marbled murrelet endangered species protection
The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission today approved a petition filed by five conservation groups to give marbled murrelets more protection by reclassifying them from threatened to endangered under the state’s Endangered Species Act. The 4-3 decision comes two years...
Washington appellate court finds state’s industrial ag permits fail to protect water, climate
Yesterday, as record-setting heat threatened the sustainability of Washington’s water resources, a three-judge panel of the Washington Court of Appeals unanimously invalidated the Washington State Department of Ecology’s (“Ecology’s”) waste discharge permits for...
Federal court rejects crucial grizzly, bull trout aspects of revised forest plan for Flathead National Forest
A federal district court yesterday rejected crucial aspects of the revised forest plan for the Flathead National Forest in northwest Montana for failing to adequately assess conservation needs for threatened grizzly bears and bull trout. Specifically, the court...
House passes resolution to reinstate methane pollution safeguards
Today, the US House of Representatives passed (229 to 191) a resolution that would reinstate the Environmental Protection Agency's 2016 methane pollution safeguards for the oil and gas industry. The Senate passed a similar resolution in April. Methane, the primary...
Groups to Biden: Halt new oil drilling, cancel Trump leases on public lands
Climate, indigenous and conservation groups today called on the Biden administration to halt new drilling permits and to cancel unlawful Trump-era oil and gas leases on public lands. The letter urges the Interior Department to enact a range of interim actions to...
Montana joins states seeking to insert themselves into Juliana v. United States as adversaries of youth plaintiffs
Six years after attorneys filed the landmark constitutional climate change case Juliana v. United States – and just days before settlement talks were scheduled between the youth plaintiffs and the government – attorneys general from 17 states, including Montana, have...
NM state trust lands bonding report reveals monumental oil and gas industry clean-up assurance shortfall
The New Mexico State Land Office released a report today enumerating the degree to which New Mexico’s oil and gas industry has failed to assure payment for its responsibilities to plug and reclaim wells and other industry sites: a staggering gap of $8.1 billion. The...
Media Inquiries:
Brian Sweeney
Communications Director