News & Updates
Lawsuit Challenges Wildlife Services’ Authority to Kill Wolves in Oregon (Press Release 2/3/16)
Location:Portland, Ore.Conservation groups filed a lawsuit today challenging the authority of the federal wildlife-killing program Wildlife Services to kill any of the approximately 81 remaining gray wolves in Oregon. The legal challenge, filed by the Western...
National Forest in Arizona Challenged to Protect Wildlife from Motorized Uses (Press Release 1/25/16)
Suit Filed to Stop Excessive Cross-Country Travel by Motor VehiclesLocation:Phoenix, Ariz.Four conservation groups, represented by the Western Environmental Law Center, filed suit today against the Kaibab National Forest in Arizona, aiming to protect wildlife and...
BLM methane rule an important step for NM, nation (Press Release 1/22/16)
Reductions will benefit climate, improve health, reduce waste, and generate revenueThe Bureau of Land Management today released for public comment a proposed rule to rein in out-of-control methane waste on federal lands by the oil and gas industry. BLM is required to...
Report: State regulations allow rampant natural gas waste (Press Release 1/13/16)
Strong BLM rule needed to prevent resource waste, protect public health, royalties, environmentToday, the Western Environmental Law Center and Western Organization of Resource Councils released a report on state oil and gas regulations for methane waste. The authors...
Groups file suit to protect threatened salmon and trout in the Puyallup River (Press Release 1/12/16)
Location:SeattleA coalition of conservation groups filed suit today to protect Puget Sound Chinook salmon, steelhead and bull trout – all threatened with extinction – from being killed by the Electron hydroelectric project on the Puyallup River. "Wild salmon and...
Court orders Idaho to stop illegal trapping of protected lynx (Press Release 1/11/16)
Location:Victor, IdahoA federal judge today ordered Idaho officials to come up with trapping restrictions to prevent Canada lynx–one of the rarest cats in the nation–from being inadvertently but illegally hurt or killed across more than 20,000 square miles of the...
Lawsuit to Challenge Feds’ Approval of Decades More Coal Pollution at Four Corners (Press Release 12/21/15)
Location:PhoenixAfter years of refusal by U.S. government agencies to address coal pollution damage from the Four Corners Power Plant and Navajo Mine, Diné (Navajo), regional and national conservation groups today took joint legal action to seek justice for impacts to...
Conservationists deal blow to Wildlife Services in landmark WA wolf case (Press Release 12/21/15)
Court rejects indiscriminate wolf killingLocation:Olympia, WAIn response to a challenge brought by a coalition of conservation organizations, a federal court rejected plans to escalate cruel wolf killing in Washington state by the secretive federal program dubbed...
In Advance of Paris Climate Talks, Washington Court Recognizes Constitutional and Public Trust Rights and Announces Agency’s Legal Duty to Protect Atmosphere for Present and Future Generations (Press Release 11/20/15)
“[I]f ever there were a time to recognize through action this right to preservation of a healthful and pleasant atmosphere, the time is now”Location:Seattle, WALate last night, King County Superior Court Judge Hollis R. Hill issued a groundbreaking ruling in the...
Tipsheet Timeline: Washington Youth Climate Case (Press Release 11/19/15)
Soon, King County Superior Court Judge Hollis Hill will issue a ruling in the unprecedented case of seven youth petitioners requesting the Washington Department of Ecology to write a carbon emissions rule that protects the atmosphere for their generation and those to...
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