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Federal appeals court upholds Oregon suction dredge mining ban

Portland, Oregon - Today the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a new Oregon state law banning motorized mining operations, such as suction dredging, in streams that support runs of wild salmon and steelhead trout. The court rejected miners’ assertions that the...

Yellowstone grizzlies: Court blocks ID, WY trophy hunts

MISSOULA, Mont. —Today, a U.S. District Court judge granted wildlife advocates' motion for a temporary restraining order to block planned grizzly bear trophy hunts in Idaho and Wyoming for at least 14 days. This came after a hearing regarding a high-profile case over...

Zinke abandons protection for Wild and Scenic Chetco River

In this 50th anniversary year of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, river advocates, fishermen, conservationists, and members of the Oregon congressional delegation lamented the Trump administration's decision to abandon protections for the nationally significant Wild...

Court decision prevents unstudied fracking in Santa Fe National Forest

In a victory for New Mexico's air, climate, and water, the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico today rejected a 2015 oil and gas lease sale covering 19,788 acres of oil and gas leases on the Santa Fe National Forest. The Bureau of Land Management failed...

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Communications Director

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