News & Updates
Clean water advocates ask court to reopen lawsuit to clean up WA’s polluted waters
Nearly three decades after first suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over its failure to clean up Washington’s polluted waters, environmental groups returned to federal court to enforce the Clean Water Act. In the groups’ request to reopen a lawsuit...
Advocates force BLM to improve Colorado River Valley drilling plan
The Western Environmental Law Center, Wilderness Workshop, Western Colorado Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Sierra Club recently won an important victory in Federal District Court. The lawsuit challenged BLM’s 2015 Resource Management Plan (the...
Groups sue EPA over Los Alamos pollution
Late yesterday, clean water advocates filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to force it to address extremely high urban storm water pollution in Los Alamos County, downstream from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Urban storm water...
Wildlife advocates fight to force feds to protect Sonoran desert tortoise
Today, wildlife advocates challenged the federal government’s denial of Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for the Sonoran desert tortoise in federal court. WildEarth Guardians and Western Watersheds Project, represented by the Western Environmental Law Center,...
NM conservation, labor, and community groups file with state Supreme Court to clarify Energy Transition Act applies to San Juan Generating Station closure
New Mexico environmental, community, and labor advocates, as well as Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM), filed a motion yesterday with the state Supreme Court asking the court to clarify that the Energy Transition Act applies to proceedings on PNM’s closure...
New Mexicans speak out against EPA weakening oil and gas protections even further
Today, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler proposed to eliminate direct regulation of methane, a dangerous greenhouse gas, from the EPA’s New Source Performance Standards. In New Mexico, this would mean that 4,700 new and existing wells would...
NM environmental community releases guidance for state methane waste rule
Today, advocacy groups in New Mexico concerned about methane waste from the oil and gas industry released a set of core principles to guide the state as it begins its next step in developing a rule to prevent waste and safeguard taxpayers, public health, the climate,...
Conservation groups blast draft Forest Service rule to gut bedrock environmental law
Conservation and public interest groups today submitted formal opposition to a proposed Trump administration rule that would fundamentally change long-held environmental practices and allow for the sweeping destruction of national forests across the country. In...
No double-density drilling: Oil Conservation Commission resolves conflict
Today, environmental and tribal advocates celebrated a victory protecting land, water, and communities from the development of up to 8,000 new gas wells in San Juan and Rio Arriba counties of northwest New Mexico, part of the Greater Chaco region. After nearly a year...
Statement: Trump administration is pro-extinction
Today, the Trump administration announced sweeping changes to the way its agencies will administer the Endangered Species Act (ESA), one of the oldest, most effective, and most widely supported environmental laws in U.S. history. These changes, which seek to...
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