Looking for more ways to learn, stay updated, and get connected with like-minded folks in these uncertain times? Tune in for the Western Environmental Law Center’s new podcast! Hosted by WELC’s Suze Wehr, Stories of Kinship features conversations about the environmental law and policy challenges, victories, and questions our team and fellow advocates in this work every day. We dive into legislative sessions, federal chaos, climate justice, renewable energy, endangered species, and finding our voices as agents of change— even (especially) when it seems like everything is changing. Our vision for the west celebrates places, people, and creatures growing together in an ecology of kinship, building connections from the Sonoran Desert all the way to Puget Sound — and we’re excited to share these stories with you. Check out Episodes 1-3, and catch future episodes here our or on our Substack!
Episode 1: Water, Climate, and Holding the Line in New Mexico (19:54)
Episode 2: Montana Youth Make History (23:11)
Episode 3: Beyond the Federal Doomscroll (36:44)