
Victor, Idaho

A federal judge today ordered Idaho officials to come up with trapping restrictions to prevent Canada lynx–one of the rarest cats in the nation–from being inadvertently but illegally hurt or killed across more than 20,000 square miles of the state’s Panhandle and Clearwater regions.

“We’re thrilled the court agreed with us that Idaho needs to do more to protect the beautiful lynx from Idaho’s out-of-control trapping program,” said Andrea Santarsiere, staff attorney of Center for Biological Diversity. “Based on the illegal trapping of at least four lynx in the past four years, the court agreed with us that the state can’t stand idly by and watch while indiscriminate traps harm these rare and federally protected cats.”

Lynx are classified as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act. They may number as few as 100 in Idaho. The court found that because it is likely lynx will continue to be caught in traps meant for other species in the Panhandle and Clearwater regions, Idaho must alter its trapping regulations to prevent future lynx trapping. The court ordered the state to submit a plan within 90 days with terms that will truly protect lynx in northern Idaho. Modifications under the plan may include changes to the size of certain foothold traps that can be used, prohibiting the use of traps designed to kill—such as Conibear body-gripping traps and neck snares—and requiring trappers to check their traps every 24 hours instead of the currently required 72 hours.

“This decision marks a huge step toward restoring Canada lynx to their rightful habitat in the West,” said Pete Frost, an attorney with the Western Environmental Law Center. “These barbaric trapping methods must be changed to protect our treasured iconic cat not just in Idaho, but throughout lynx territory.”

In 2014, the Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians, Western Watersheds Project, and Friends of the Clearwater filed a lawsuit against the Idaho Department of Fish and Wildlife, the department’s commissioners and Gov. Butch Otter for allowing trapping in lynx habitat. Plaintiffs were represented by the Center for Biological Diversity and Western Environmental Law Center, with Celeste Miller serving as local counsel.

“This is a victory not just for lynx but for bobcats, wolves, fishers, coyotes, foxes, and a suite of other forest animals as well,” said Ken Cole, Idaho director for Western Watersheds Project. “Hopefully the Idaho Fish and Game Department will take the hint that their regulations are completely inadequate for the protection of endangered species, and the agency will make changes that will benefit many other species that are indiscriminately trapped.”

“Today’s decision makes crystal clear that the state of Idaho must take responsibility for its failure to adequate regulate cruel trapping to protect imperiled lynx,” said Bethany Cotton, wildlife program director for WildEarth Guardians. “We call on the state to immediately implement scientifically sound, humane restrictions on trapping, including 24-hour trap checks.”

Gary Macfarlane of Friends of the Clearwater said, “With this victory lynx in the Clearwater should finally receive the protection they need. It’s only common sense to put practices in place that protect rare carnivores.” 

A copy of the final decision is available here.
Read more about our work to protect lynx in Idaho here. (info on Montana lynx case here, info on NM lynx case here)

Pete Frost, Western Environmental Law Center, 541-543-0018, gro.w1729712617alnre1729712617tsew@1729712617tsorf1729712617Andrea Santarsiere, Center for Biological Diversity, 303-854-7748, gro.y1729712617tisre1729712617vidla1729712617cigol1729712617oib@e1729712617reisr1729712617atnas1729712617a1729712617 
Bethany Cotton, WildEarth Guardians, 406-414-7227, gro.s1729712617naidr1729712617aught1729712617raedl1729712617iw@no1729712617ttocb1729712617Ken Cole, Western Watersheds Project, 208-429-1679, gro.s1729712617dehsr1729712617etawn1729712617retse1729712617w@nek1729712617Gary Macfarlane, Friends of the Clearwater, 208-882-9755, gro.r1729712617etawr1729712617aelce1729712617htfos1729712617dneir1729712617f@yra1729712617g1729712617

The Center for Biological Diversity is a national, nonprofit conservation organization with more than 900,000 members and online activists dedicated to the protection of endangered species and wild places.

Friends of the Clearwater is an Idaho-based nonprofit conservation organization that works to protect the wildness and biodiversity of the public wildlands, wildlife, and waters of Idaho’s Clearwater Basin.

Western Environmental Law Center is a public interest nonprofit law firm. WELC combines legal skills with sound conservation biology and environmental science to address major environmental issues throughout the West. WELC does not charge clients and partners for services, but relies instead on charitable gifts from individuals, families, and foundations to accomplish its mission.

Western Watersheds Project is a nonprofit conservation group founded in 1993 with 1,500 members whose mission is to protect and restore western watersheds and wildlife through education, public policy initiatives and litigation.

WildEarth Guardians is a nonprofit organization with over 121,000 members and activists working to protect and restore the wildlife, wild places, wild rivers, and health of the American West.

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