Statement: Green New Deal a great deal for American West

The Western Environmental Law Center proudly supports the Green New Deal resolution introduced in the U.S. Congress by Senator Ed Markey, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and dozens of congressional co-sponsors. The climate crisis presents a daunting challenge...

Federal court halts illegal logging in sensitive forests

SACRAMENTO—Late Friday, Judge Troy L. Nunley halted plans for post-fire, clear-cut logging in northern California’s Klamath National Forest. The court held that the Seiad-Horse timber sale project would illegally and irreparably harm aquatic resources with increased...

Erik’s 2018 End-of-Year Letter

Friends, We are now two years into the Trump administration. As we reflect on this time period, our resistance to the administration’s anti-environment agenda has blocked a great number of policies that would have harmed the wildlife and public lands of the West, as...
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